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Yell (2008)

Album Notes

Yell album is the best choice for people who seek rich melodic instrumentations in riffs and solos of rock music accompanied by vocals as colors to the music itself.

Yell�s songs present a variety of genres, from Heavy Metal to Hard Rock, Progressive Rock and even Soft Rock, so one could have a challenging listening time. Meanwhile it doesn�t become repetitious due to its progressive style spirit. Eventually the eastern blend evokes deep senses of various emotions which transcend the mind to fly further so that one can feel his/her soul lighter and fresher after each round of listening!

The lyrics are in Farsi. Most of the lyrics are selected from the most famous classical Persian poems versified by the most outstanding Persian poets such as Saadi, Ferdowsi and Masoud-Sa�ad-Salman; but the music is composed so that the lyrical theme preserves harmony among songs so that the listener do not feel them apart. And the special matter is that in composition of these songs there hasn�t been any intention to reflect anything stylistic (i.e. rock or metal), but they actually are composed in a manner so that they can reflect the soul inherent in the poems themselves; so Arashk claims that even the style is autonomous. As a result one may not feel any paradox between singing Persian and rock or metal style and so preserving the important point that the lyrics and the music should always agree on a same spirit.

Despite the ancient style of the poems (mostly versified about 700 years ago), maybe their concepts are even more present and influential in today�s life than ever! The lyrics hire variety of concepts, from the emotions of an imprisoned man or the groaning of lovers, to the words of a rebel leader or a man fighting against the enemy.


Vocal, Guitar, Bass: Pouyan Khajavi
Guitar, Keyboard: Salim Ghazi Saeedi
Drums Synthesis: Salim Ghazi Saeedi
Drums Arrangement and Band Drummer: Shahram Khosraviani
Booklet Design: Salim Ghazi Saeedi
With Special Thanks to: Amir JahanShahloo
Recording, Mix and Mastering by Salim Ghazi Saeedi
Iran, Tehran

UPC: 634479901553
(C) Oct 2008 - Pouyan Khajavi & Shahram Khosraviani

Track name Credit Lyrics Notes
1. Falcons of the Sky [Pouyan/Salim] Pouyan Khajavi First guitar solo by: Pouyan / Second guitar solo by Salim
2. Prison [Pouyan/Shahram/Salim] Masud Sa'd Salman Main guitar solo by: Pouyan / Outro guitar solo by Salim
3. Mourning Scents [Pouyan/Shahram/Salim] Saadi Guitar solo by: Pouyan / Bass solo: Salim
4. Hur Mazda [Pouyan/Shahram] Pouyan Khajavi Guitar solo by: Pouyan
5. Yell [Pouyan/Shahram/Salim] Ferdowsi First guitar solo by: Pouyan / Second guitar solo by Salim
6. No Leaves Garden [Pouyan/Shahram/Salim] Saadi Main guitar solo by: Pouyan / Outro guitar solo by Salim
7. War Against War [Pouyan/Shahram] Mehdi Akhavan-Sales Guitar solo by: Pouyan
8. Groanings [Pouyan/Shahram/Salim] Saadi Guitar solo by: Pouyan / Outro guitar solo by Salim
9. Last Song [Pouyan/Shahram] Saadi Guitar solo by: Pouyan


English Translation

Farsi Lyrics

1. Falcons of the Sky (Poet: Pouyan Khajavi)
Brave men, in the heights of clouds / Pilot in the sky like an arrow
With an heart of steel, fighting shame / Free like a hawk, die or fight
The goal is flight; falcons of the sky (x4)
Against death, no fear or doubt / They adore no end rival
Sharp like a sword, dreadful like thunderbolt / Put an everlasting theme unto history
The goal is flight; falcons of the sky (x4)
[Translated from Farsi]

1. بازهای آسمان (شعر: پویان خواجوی)
بر بلندای ابر مردان دلیر / در قلب آسمان شتابان چو تیر
با قلبی آهنین به پیکار ننگ / سبک بال چو شاهین بمیر یا بجنگ
هدف، پرواز، بازهای آسمان (4�)
رودرروی مرگ بی هراس و تردید / ستایند نبردی که پایان ندید
برنده چو شمشیر مهیب چون آذرخش / بیافکن به تاریخ جاودانه نقش
هدف، پرواز، بازهای آسمان (4�)

2. Prison (Poet: Masud Sa'd Salman)
I am fallen person in a thousand sorrows / In each breath my life's looking in end
with no sin I am prisoner / with no reason fallen in trouble
I am a bird trapped in disaster / I have recived no gain
stars have sworn to hurt me / the sky has come to fight with me
I am in Prison, I am in Prison, When my soul will come to an end? (2x)

I am trapped and ill-omened / I am suffering and the star is my slayer
I had many selected friends / what has become no one's remain
every night the sky's made sad / with my painful sadness cryings
My pending story is long enough / Cause there is no openning by my words
I am in Prison, I am in Prison, When my soul will come to an end? (2x)

2. زندان (شعر: مسعود سعد سلمان)
مردی به هزار غم گرفتارم / در هر نفسی به جان رسد کارم
بی زلت و بی گناه محبوسم / بی علت و سبب گرفتارم
در دام بلا شکسته مرغی ام / بر دانه نیوفتاده منقارم
خورده قسم اختران پاداشم / بسته کمر آسمان به پیکارم
در زندانم، در زندانم، کی می رسد به آخر جانم
محبوسم و طالع است منحوسم / غمخوارم و اختر است خونخوارم
یاران گزیده داشتم روزی / امروز چه شد که نیست کسی یارم
هر نیمه شب آسمان ستوه آید / از گریه سخت و ناله زارم
قصه چه کنم دراز بس باشد / چون نیست گشایشی ز گفتارم
در زندانم، در زندانم، کی می رسد به آخر جانم (2�)

3. Mourning Scents (Poet: Saadi)
It is if the sun is not going to rise tonight / What dreams passed and a sleep passed not
Why you are late O morning, my soul is coming to an end / You did wrong and no one did the good to call upon you
The mourning scents (x4)
The rooster's voice stopped from singning / All nightingles died and just remained the crow
My head desires to dedicate to his greatness / It is better to be died in water to be in hope of water
The mourning scents (x4)

3. نفحات صبح (شعر: سعدی)
سر آن ندارد امشب که برآید آفتابی / چه خیالها گذر کرد و گذر نکرد خوابی
به چه دیر ماندی ای صبح که جان من برآمد / بزه کردی و نکردند موذنان ثوابی
نفحات صبح (4�)
نفس خروس بگرفت که نوبتی بخواند / همه بلبلان بمردند و نماند جز غرابی
سرم از خدای خواهد که به پایش اندر افتد / که در آب مرده بهتر که در آرزوی آبی
نفحات صبح (4�)

4. Hur Mazda (Poet: Pouyan Khajavi)
The day of war, the day of destruction / Fight with devils
The day of fear, the day of war and ruin / Fight in the name of Hur Mazda
Hur Mazda (x6)
For freedom / Fight with enemies
Draw your sword / And hit in the name of Hur Mazda
Hur Mazda (x6)
[Translated from Farsi]

4. هورمزدا (شعر: پویان خواجوی)
روز جنگ، روز سر به نیستی / بجنگ با اهریمن ها
روز ترس، روز جنگ و نیستی / بجنگ در راه هورمزدا
هورمزدا (6�)
در راه آزادی / بستیز با دشمنها
بربکش شمشیر از نیام / بزن به نام هورمزدا
هورمزدا (6�)

5. Yell
(Poet: Ferdowsi, The story of Kaveh the Blacksmith and Zahhak. More about the story here.)
At the time, at the king's presence / the yell of the revenger started to raise
They called the oppressed (Kaveh) to his (king's) presence / And let him to sit beside the famed.
The chief (king) told him with anger / Tell me who has done injustice to you
He shouted and mourned from king's speech / saying O king! I AM Kaveh the prosecutor
If you are the king and are the beast / you should judge this story
If you are the king and reign seven countries / why all the sorrow and pain are for us?
You should inquire my case / in a way astonishing the world
That my children should feed your (shoulder's) snakes

5. فریاد (شعر: فردوسی)
همانگه یکایک ز درگاه شاه / برآمد خروشیدن دادخواه
ستمدیده را پیش او خواندند / بر نامدارانش بنشاندند
بدو گفت مهتر به روی دژم / که برگوی تا از که دیدی ستم
خروشید و زد دست بر سر ز شاه / که شاها منم کاوه دادخواه
فریاد (4�)
تو شاهی و گر اژدها پیکری / بباید به این داستان داوری
اگر هفت کشور به شاهی تو را ست / چرا رنج و سختی همه بهر ماست
شماریت با من بباید گرفت / بدان تا جهان ماند اندر شگفت
که مارانت را مغز فرزند من / همی داد باید به هر انجمن

6. No Leaves Garden

6. باغ بی برگی (شعر: اخوان ثالث)
آسمانش را گرفته تنگ در آغوش / ابر با آن پوستین سرد نمناکش
باغ بی برگی روز و شب تنهاست / با سکوت پاک غمناکش
باغ بی برگی، باغ نومیدان (4�)

7. War Against War

7. جنگ ضد جنگ (شعر: پویان خواجوی)
در راه جنگ خصم، رود او به رزم / جنگ ضد خون، رود پر ز خشم
جنگ ضد زور، مرگ پس از گور / این مرد شیر، رود پر ز شور
با کمان و تیر، گرز و شمشیر / خواند به آواز سخت، پس اینک بمیر
جنگ ضد جنگ (4�)

8. Groanings (Poet: Saadi)
The wind hardly tells of an orchard / Morning sprang and the day came. Wake up and extinguish the lights.
If you make all people devoted and intoxicated like me / Follow the competent ones and feed wine to ascetics.
Bitter groaning of silent ones (x4)
Get my clothes and give me wine. Bring liquor and take sorrow / The intellect is unaware of the pleasure n' delight of intoxicated ones.
Why advising me so much on not following good ones? / Why shouldn't I as I'm selfless? As the eagerness takes me by dragging.
Bitter groaning of silent ones (x4)
[Translated from Farsi]

8. ناله زار خامشان (شعر: سعدی)
سخت به ذوق می دهد، باد ز بوستان نشان / صبح دمید و روز شد، خیز و چراغ وانشان
گر همه خلق را چو من، بی دل و مست می کنی / روی به صالحان نما، خمر به زاهدان چشان
ناله زار خامشان (4�)
خرقه بگیر و می بده، باده بیار و غم ببر / بی خبر است عاقل از، لذت عیش بی هشان
چند نصیحتم کنی، کز پی نیکوان مرو / چون نروم که بی خودم، شوق همی برد کشان
ناله زار خامشان (8�)

9. Last Song

9. آهنگ آخر (شعر: سعدی)
خرما نتوان خورد از این خار که کشتیم / دیبا نتوان کردن از این پشم که رشتیم
بر حرف معاصی خط عذری نکشیدیم / پهلوی کبائر حسناتی ننوشتیم
دوش در صحرای خلوت گوی تنهایی زدم / خیمه بر بالای منظوران بالایی زدم
افسوس بر این عمر گرانمایه که بگذشت / ما از سر تقصیر و خطا در نگذشتیم
چون مرغ بر این کنگره تا کی بتوان خواند / یک روز نگه کن که بر این کنگره خشتیم
اینان چو ملخ در پس زانوی ریاضت / مامور کمر بسته دوان بر در و دشتیم
پیری و جوانی پی هم چون شب و روزند / ما شب شد و روز آمد و بیدار نگشتیم


Zahhak's Shoulder Snakes Eating Human Brain

Do you know the story of Kaveh Ahangar and Zahhak? Zahhak was a mythical emperor of Persia, who had two black serpents on the shoulders. Ahriman (Satan in Persian mythology) appeared to him as a physician and told that his only remedy is "let the snakes remain on his shoulders, and sate their hunger by supplying them with human brains for food every day otherwise the snakes will feed on his own"
Listen to the story in Arashk Band's song, Yell from album Yell (2008). The lyrics are in Persian.

Press release

Full YELL album press release is available here.


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(C) 2005-2012 Arashk Band